Exhibitor Information

What to expect on Event Day

Saturday 28 September 2024, 10am - 2pm
Auckland Netball Centre, St Johns

Your group will get a stand at the main Netball Court area for the day which includes:

  • A table & table cloth

  • 2 chairs

  • A display partition behind the table

  • Your own branded partition sign supplied by the Expo

Pack-in starts at 9am on Saturday, 28 September. Please arrive NO LATER than 9:15am. We need everyone to be finished before 9:45am, when a welcome will take place.

You can place your display materials on your table, and on the partition. We will supply free velcro “dots” that can support paper and coreflute sheets.

Pack-out starts at 2pm and we need everyone clear by 2:30pm so we can take down tables and partitions.


Publicity: by Exhibitors, for Exhibitors

We need to help each other to get a big turn-out of visitors. Publicity material will be emailed to you in the 1st and 3rd week of September with details about how to:

  • Place an event ad in your regular e-newsletter

  • Send out A4 flyers via email, or print them and hand them out at your September events

  • Support our Expo on Facebook

  • You might consider putting a temporary notice on your website

If you missed out

Friday 30-August, 2024 was the cut-off for signing up with us as an Exhibitor.

If you missed out, we hope you will still visit us on 28 September to see how the event turns out. Use the button below to let us know you are interested for the 2026 Expo.